MPIGR LOGIN PORTAL: पंजीयन एवं स्टाम्प विभाग मध्य प्रदेश

MPIGR LOGIN PORTAL – Describe MPIGR login. It is required to register one’s property in India in accordance with the rules of the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The transfer of immovable property must be registered in order to gain the property rights as of the deed’s execution date.

MPIGR LOGIN PORTAL: पंजीयन एवं स्टाम्प विभाग मध्य प्रदेश

MPIGR LOGIN PORTAL: पंजीयन एवं स्टाम्प विभाग मध्य प्रदेश

The registration department is in charge of recording deeds pertaining to real estate transactions and makes preparations to safeguard a copy of the registered papers.

पंजीयन एवं स्टाम्प विभाग (वाणिज्य कर) मध्य प्रदेश

मध्य प्रदेश में किसी भी संपत्ति से संबंधित लेनदेन में शामिल सभी पक्षों को मध्य प्रदेश के पंजीकरण महानिरीक्षक, या एमपीआईजीआर की सेवाओं का उपयोग करना चाहिए। इस हैंडबुक का उद्देश्य खरीदारों, विक्रेताओं और निवेशकों को एमपीआईजीआर और इसकी सेवाओं से परिचित कराना है।

पंजीकरण के अलावा, दस्तावेजों पर लगाए गए स्टांप शुल्क को भारतीय स्टांप अधिनियम 1899 द्वारा विनियमित किया जाता है। दस्तावेजों पर देय स्टांप ड्यूटी, स्टांप आदि की वापसी से संबंधित मामलों का समाधान जिला पंजीयकों द्वारा स्टांप अधिनियम और पंजीकरण अधिनियम के प्रावधानों के तहत किया जाता है।


One of the State of Madhya Pradesh’s primary revenue-producing departments is the Registration and Stamps department. Four regional offices for the department are situated in Bhopal, Gwalior, Jabalpur, and Indore.

Deputy Inspector Generals of Registration oversee all of these offices. The State now has 233 Sub-Registrar offices and 51 District Registrar offices.

This is accompanied by the “SAMPADA” comprehensive computerization initiative for document registration. Stamp duties will be collected using this technique through “e-stamps.” “e-stamps” may be issued by licenced Service Providers, including banks and post offices.


An important platform for the state of Madhya Pradesh is the Madhya Pradesh IGR. The following explanations explain why the Madhya Pradesh IGR is significant:

  • To publicly display the transactions
  • Ensure accountability, the documents are displayed publicly
  • To provide a guarantee of the genuineness of the document.
  • Ensure prevention of frauds, conservation of evidence, the transfer of title to the owner.
  • To afford the facility of determining whether the property has already been sold.
  • Maintain an up to day public record by registering a property.
  • To provide security of title deeds and to prove titles in case the original deeds are lost or destroyed.


The following papers must be submitted with the application form in order to register a property with the Madhya Pradesh IGR:

  • Passport size photographs of the parties.
  • Identity proof such as Aadhar card/voter card/PAN card/passport/driving licence etc. of the participants.
  • Details of stamp duty and registration payment fee.
  • Principal document(s) when the present report is supplementary to such primary documents.
  • PAN card or adequately filled Form 60 together with identity proof & residence proof of the parties.


  • Who can give licence to service providers for e-stamping service in MPIGR login portal?

Ans: The senior district registrar or district registrar of the district in Madhya Pradesh, has the power to give licences to service providers.

  • Can someone pay stamp duty and registration fee through challan in MP?

Ans: Yes, anyone can pay the stamp duty and registration fee through challan, online payment and by using the credit limit of service providers in Madhya Pradesh.

  • Is e-stamping valid in MP?

Ans: Yes, after e-stamping you can also view information regarding the amount paid, party details, particulars of the transaction, etc.


Established in 1864, the Madhya Pradesh or MPIGR login is a long-standing division. Making registered papers available to everyone is the department’s primary goal. The public will be able to check the records and learn from them about any rights, titles, and duties associated with immovable property.

By maintaining a record of the historic documents and disseminating copies of the materials it has, this agency serves as a “Royal record keeper.” This is also used as legal evidence of authenticity.


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